Dividends4Life: Wal-Mart (WMT) Third Quarter Results + Why You Should Buy This Stock

Dividend Growth Stocks News

Wal-Mart just released its third quarter results with a great performance. To be honest, I think we were many to doubt about WMT’s ability to generate growth before the Holiday season. We will go through the main highlights of their reports, but first, we will analyze what Wal-Mart has been doing over the past five years and determine whether or not it should be part of your dividend portfolio. Let’s see if “Save Money, Live Better” can translate into “Make Money, Invest Better”!

This dividend aristocrat has increased its dividend for 41 consecutive years. Over the past ten years, the dividend doubled more than twice! The dividend paid back in 2004 was $0.36/share and WMT will pay $1.88/share to shareholders this year. However, lately WMT has struggled to show solid growth and deals with high margin pressures. The company has put several initiatives into action to increase sales with a more complete food offering, electronic departments’ new look and a massive investment in e-commerce.

Source: Guru Focus

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