Dividends4Life: Frothy Market, Impending Correction - What's A Dividend Growth Investor To Do?

I personally do not believe that any advice on stock investing is credible unless it is backed by a bona-fide illustrative real-time portfolio. It is remarkable how much investment advice is churned out that leaves the reader or viewer wondering, "Well, how did it turn out?" Magazines print articles about stocks to invest in, but there are few follow-up articles or only sketchy anecdotal ones. Investment web sites do the same thing, investment newsletters do it, books do it, and TV and radio do it. As a result, the individual investor is left in the dark on what the advice actually would have accomplished, in real dollars and in real time.

I have no opinion on when a correction is coming, because I am not a short-term trader. Truth be told, I don't much care. For a dividend growth investor investing for the long term, the only impact of a correction on his or her strategy may be that a correction will provide better valuations and higher yields at which to make purchases. If one is primarily interested in building the income stream from a portfolio of high quality dividend growth companies, impending market corrections don't make much difference. One will be looking primarily at the growing cash stream from the dividends of individual stocks, not at "the market" and its price fluctuations.

Source: Seeking Alpha

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